You know there are few statements that startle me that it makes me contemplate its core and the thought of where it comes from. One such sentence has to be ‘I have given you so much freedom’. This very sentence makes me wonder the very essence of freedom and independence. Like I was made to believe that it was my birth right but there comes another person who says like this as if I had taken something of theirs for granted.
And sadly I have had so many people tell this very thing to the person they love and what’s sadder is the other person finds nothing wrong in it. So as I said I analyzed where the thought of it comes from, do people feel that when they love someone they own their freedom and independence. Did you know that freedom is the most vital for one to build their individuality and when you take that away from them what becomes of them? So when they feel they govern your freedom don’t they control you and your personality?
Image courtesy : Ajmollon/Pinterest
When they deliberately do that be aware because it means the person is insecure of your individuality and they don’t like you as an individual but what you become when you are with them. I agree it can be two ways a person can grow Letting go of certain habits for the person you love because you want to, is something productive and helps you evolve, whereas when you are forced to quit something or leave something which has been a part of you because you aren’t allowed, could destroy you mentally and emotionally. Not as single thing but there will be an accumulation of these small things that build a big balloon of fear, insecurity and irritation. Your freedom and independence is a right unless until it hurts another person’s genuine choice of living.
People need to learn to be an individual in a relationship. Relationship shouldn’t necessary be a blob of two distinctive personalities filling each other’s flaws. It should be a medium where they learn, dream and evolve together in separate ways. When someone you love says that they have given you enough freedom, they might not even be aware of what they mean so next time when someone says that correct them by saying ‘My freedom is not yours to give but something you should acknowledge and respect’.
And believe this when you say it, it is not arrogance, pride or your ego coming out but your revelation, the revelation that your freedom of choice and opinion lies in the smallest of things and they define you as a person. You shouldn’t feel sorry for it but embrace it and grow. Be happy that you have that privilege unlike many who struggle. Make choices you love, make mistakes but always learn and grow and embrace the great gift of life – FREEDOM.
In case of any queries of feedback, head to the comment section. Meanwhile live, love and laugh!
Kamalavinayagam G Designer/Amateur writer Insta profile My wix site